Democracy cannot function efficiently with the absence of effective local bodies. Therefore, it is wonderful news that the first round of local government elections in Punjab and Sindh were held on October 31. Interestingly, it was the first time that the local government elections were held on a party basis, resulting in more political canvassing..
canada goose «This includes support from the ACT government to continue to fully fund the training of apprentices, particularly in areas that are facing skills shortages.»June 17 2020 4:30AMApprentice numbers set to cop a hit as recession bitesSteve EvansTo help her on her way, she’s just received a $3000 grant from the Rheem plumbing company but apprentices who come after her will find it a lot tougher.Four year apprenticeships and shorter on the job training places are forecast to fall by 30 per cent, according to Peter Hurley of the Mitchell Institute.He has crunched the numbers from previous large drops in economic output, and concluded that nearly a third of training places will vanish.Apprentice plumber Georgia Ugov is among 2435 female apprentices and trainees in the ACT. Picture: Karleen Minney»When you look at previous recessions, you will see that kind of drop,» he told The Canberra Times.»I would expect the same thing to happen in the ACT.»Before the coronavirus crisis, there were 6595 apprentices and trainees in the ACT 4160 men and 2435 women.Numbers are already dropping dramatically, but the forecast would see them cut by just under 2000.In other words, 2000 people coming out of ACT schools would be unable to find employment and training compared with the numbers before the crisis hit.This would then have a knock on effect, as new people coming out of school each year would have to compete with those unemployed from previous years.»That’s why it’s so important to keep those apprenticeship and traineeship numbers up to what they were before the coronavirus crisis,» Mr Hurley said.The National Australian Apprenticeship Association paints three scenarios, which might broadly be described as bad, worse and terrible.In scenario 1, health restrictions are relaxed in the coming three months and the economy starts coming back. Firms start taking on apprentices around the end of the year but this would still mean unemployment reaches 10 per cent and youth unemployment is 20 per cent.. canada goose
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